End-to-end Exchange Online Mail Monitoring

Set up Exchange Online Mail Monitoring - in just 10 minutes.

Dashboard showing the average duration and failed deliveries count
Detail Page showing the failed deliveries

What you need to do

Login with your Microsoft Account

No need to register an account. You can use your existing Microsoft Login.

App registration

Create an app registration for the tenant you want to monitor in the Azure Portal.


Create a mailbox in Exchange Online. This mailbox will be used to send and receive e-mails.

Log Analytics Workspace

We send the monitoring data to your Log Analytics Workspace. So the data stays in your tenant, and you can keep the monitoring data as long as you want.

Setup Alert rules

Create alert rules in your Log Analytics Workspace based on your needs.

Need Assistance with Setup?

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How it works

Flusso 365 constantly monitors your mail flow. In other words: if an email couldn't be sent or received, Flusso 365 will automatically send an error message to your Log Analytics Workspace, which might be used to trigger an Alert.

Flow explaining how Flusso365 works

Mail Relay Monitoring

Do you have a Mail Relay in your setup, which you would like to monitor too? We got you covered. Download our Flusso Agent, install it on a machine of your choice and start monitoring this part of your system too!

For more information, see our docs
Flow describing how flusso including a mail relay works

Log Analytics Integration

Use the tools you already know and utilize. We didn't want to reinvent the wheel, so the error messages are sent to your configured Log Analytics Workspace, allowing you to define alert rules and decide how you want to be alerted.

How to set up your Log Analytics Workspace

Microsoft Identity Login

Flusso365 uses the Microsoft Azure AD to log you in, which means: no additional user accounts to manage! By default, every user from the tenant can access Flusso365 unless you want to restrict it to a limited set of users.


If you wish detailed pricing infos, please contact us at info@grabx.ch

from 499.- CHF
